Read-only file systems for some Repls


Hello – Over 98% of impacted Repls have returned to normal functionality and we are making progress on the remaining 2%.

We are moving to consider the incident resolved, but if you are part of that small group with a still impacted Repl and to make sure we are aware, please let us know by reaching out to

We genuinely appreciate everyone's support. Thank you.


We have recovered a large portion of the remaining affected Repls. We anticipate a longer, more in-depth, update likely tomorrow morning.

A full postmortem will also be published in the coming days, on our blog. We will update here once it is available.


Work continues on remaining affected Repls.

So far over 90% of total affected Repls have recovered and progress on the remainder continues. We anticipate that progress to continue as the current pace for the time being.


Full read and write access has now been restored to 90% of impacted Repls in US regions and 68% of impacted Repls in Asia regions.

Next update will be Monday morning Pacific Time (UTC-7).


We have recovered most of the affected Repls and are continuing to make progress.


Restoration is ongoing. More files should be restored throughout the day.

Our engineers are diligently working round the clock to keep recovering more.

Check back later for more updates.


We have restored read/write filesystems to 86% of the impacted Repls, which includes:

  • 88% of impacted Repls in the US-based regions
  • 60% of impacted Repls in the Asia-based regions

We have all hands on deck and are continuing to restore write access to the remaining Repls, working on all regions in parallel. We'll provide another update around 10 AM PT.


After monitoring filesystem restoration overnight, we are swapping in a fresh team to focus on the remaining Repls. We'll have more details around when to expect final incident resolution as soon as that information is available, and continue to prioritize a smooth recovery. Thank you for your patience until we provide another update in the next two hours.


The team continues to make progress! Around 70% of impacted Repl filesystems have now been fully restored. We anticipate our next update will be in the morning Pacific time.


We are continuing to restore impacted Repl filesystems.

Over half of the affected Repls should be back to normal at this point. Expect another update in the next 2 hours.


The restoration of impacted filesystems continues. No significant updates on our end. Will share another update in 60-90 minutes.


Restoration of impacted file systems continues. No significant updates to share.


Progress continues recovering remaining Repls. Next update in an hour.


Hello – we would like to give a longer update on where we are:

We are currently recovering from a portion of Repls having their file system go read-only. The vast majority of Repls were and are unaffected and a majority of affected Repls have recovered.

However, there is a portion that are still in recovery. Those Repls will exhibit a wide-range of symptoms like I/O issues, problems opening the Repls, and other errors.

Replit has all hands on deck focusing on recovering remaining Repls. Progress is being made, however, we are not able to provide any estimates to full resolution.

Regular updates here will continue.


A majority of affected Repls have now been recovered. We have all hands on deck working towards recovery for the rest.


We are still experiencing an incident with Repls and errors in the workspace. Recovery is ongoing.


We are working on scaling up and speeding up our recovery process

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We are running recovery jobs for all affected filesystems. Next update in an hour.

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Status remains the same. Next update expected tomorrow, Saturday Feb 20th in the morning Pacific Time (UTC -7)

Thank you for patience.


We are continuing to recover affected Repls. Next update in an hour.


A majority of affected Repls have recovered, with the remaining portion are still undergoing recovery. Please continue holding off forking any affected Repl or template.


We have begun recovery with about half affected Repls returning to functional.

Forking a currently affected Repl or template will not succeed – if you know your Repl is affected, please hold off until it has recovered.


Some Repls are not loading files or displaying the error message, "Your Repl is having a bit of trouble."

We are investigating and actively recovering those file systems.


We are continuing to address Repls with affected file systems. We do not have an estimated time to resolution but will continue to update here.


We are aware of some Repls that have their file system become read-only. We are investigating and actively recovering those files systems.

We will update as we progress.

Began at:

Affected components
  • Repls
    • Asia Cluster
    • North America Cluster